Summerland Legion Branch 22

Events Page


Summerland Pipes and Drums

Inside our Legion


Did you know that you do not have to be a Veteran or a relative of a Veteran to join. Canadian citizens or British subjects of federal voting age are eligible as affiliate members. Join in the fun, events and community service _ sign up today. Membership forms are available at the Branch or download the application 
below. Yearly dues are $55. Members are eligible for lots of partner benefits offered at a Dominion  and Provincial level. 

Membership application (PDF Download)

Transfer Form (PDF Download)

e-Mail the local legion membership chairman

"We Are" Youtube Video
Membership Badges

Membership categories

There are four membership categories, each with different qualifications. The criteria for each category are as follows:

Ordinary Membership

You may be eligible for Ordinary membership if you have served or are serving in:

  • The Canadian Forces or Her Majesty's Forces (including regular force or reserve force under class "C" service); or
  • the Forces or underground forces of any of Her Majesty's allies in any war, conflict or police action in which Canada was involved; or
  • the Merchant Navy or non-military services in an actual theatre of war in which Canada was involved; or
  • Her Majesty's reserve forces including Cadet Instructors on the Cadet Cadre for not less than one year; or
  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police or The Royal Newfoundland Constabulary for not less than one year; or
  • the Forces of a country while that country was a member of NATO or NORAD in alliance with Canada; or
  • the Forces of the United States; or
  • the Vietnam War with the Armed Forces of the United States, Australia, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea or South Vietnam, and were a Canadian citizen or Commonwealth subject at the time of service; or
  • the Canadian Coast Guard as an officer or crew member who has two or more years active service on the high seas or inland waterways; or
  • a city, municipal or provincial police force as a police officer for not less than one year.

Associate Membership

If you do not qualify for Ordinary membership you may be eligible for Associate membership if you:

  • are the child, stepchild, adopted child, grandchild, sibling, niece/nephew, widow/er, parent or spouse of
  • someone who is or was eligible for Ordinary membership; or
  • are the child of an Associate member; or
  • have served in The Royal Canadian Sea, Army or Air Cadets for not less than 3 years; or
  • have served as a cadet civilian instructor for not less than 3 years; or
  • have served as an officer in the Navy League of Canada for not less than 2 years; or
  • have served in the Polish Armed Forces after WW II below the rank of officer; or
  • have served in a City, Municipal, Volunteer, Un-organized Territories or Federal Fire Service for not less than one year
  • are the spouse, parent or sibling of an associate member who qualified subject to the above criteria.

Affiliate Voting Membership

If you do not qualify for Ordinary or Associate membership but support the aims and objects of The Royal Canadian Legion you may apply for Affiliate Voting membership.

Affiliate Non-Voting Membership

If you are a non-Canadian citizen or a non-Commonwealth subject from an Allied nation and support the aims and objects of The Royal Canadian Legion, you may apply for Affiliate Non-Voting membership. These members shall have the same rights as all other members except the rights to vote and hold office. A member admitted under this Section is not permitted to apply for voting status unless otherwise qualified.

For further information, please contact your nearest Legion Branch.

Join online at Dminion Website


Membership application (PDF Download)

Transfer Form (PDF Download)


Open Tuesday-Saturday


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$2000 donation to

Squadron 902 Cadets

Cadet Donationalso

Summerland Food Bank $5000

Summerland Youth Centre $2000

Scouts and Guides $1500 each

Ukrainian Nightingale Project $1000